by writerpatkramer | Jan 3, 2024 | Business - Oriented
In my bedroom I have an upholstered chair known as a “rocker recliner.” My dad was in the furniture business as a manufacturer and this blue, velvety upholstered chair came from his factory, Mechanics Furniture Manufacturers, in Worcester, Massachusetts back in...
by writerpatkramer | Nov 28, 2023 | Business - Oriented
At the November 16, 2023 ProVisors joint meeting of the Family Business Affinity Group and Transactions and Transitions Affinity Group, we heard a presentation given by Morvareed Salehpour, a business and tech lawyer here in Los Angeles. In her talk, she presented...
by writerpatkramer | Nov 22, 2023 | Business - Oriented
Thanksgiving is not always a happy holiday, at least not for me. I lost my Aunt Ronnie the day before Thanksgiving in 1989. She was my closest relative in Los Angeles and my only family member here. Five years later, I lost my older sister Nancy, who hosted our...
by writerpatkramer | Nov 17, 2023 | Business - Oriented
California Bank and Trust and NxtGen Nexus held its “Driving the Family Business Future” event at Beverly Hills Porsche on November 2. 2023. The enthusiastic NxtGen crowd had the opportunity to take test drives; enjoy food and...
by writerpatkramer | Dec 10, 2022 | Business - Oriented
If you have not updated your content on your website in six months or longer, you may be missing out on business. It’s true! Your website content needs to be continuously updated and refreshed every month or two with new content. Blogs are an excellent way to...
by writerpatkramer | Sep 6, 2022 | Business - Oriented
On August 14, 2022, I participated in the Independent Writers of Southern California’s annual IWOSC Reads Its Own event, where myself and 13 other writers were selected to share from our varied writings. Writing is my passion, it is my livelihood, and I try to...