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If you have not updated your content on your website in six months or longer, you may be missing out on business. It’s true! Your website content needs to be continuously updated and refreshed every month or two with new content. Blogs are an excellent way to accomplish this, but you should also think about adding new pages to your website or at least updating your content with additional content on your existing pages. Freshening it up keeps potential customers/clients up to date on what your company or firm can offer them.

For instance, you would use a press release to announce an award you have received, an event you are organizing, or a major win your firm has accomplished. You can also use a press release for any timely announcements about a change in management or an addition to your company. Press releases are an excellent way to gain visibility, which you undoubtably deserve.

Look at your content and the social media you use as a way to provide you and your firm with free publicity. When I first began writing for public relations agencies, in the early 1990s, PR agencies typically charged clients $3,500 – $6,000 per month to get them out in front of the media. Now, a skilled writer and social media expert can do that for you. The advantage you gain is that it can make a difference in getting you that contract that you were competing for against another company.

Writing case histories is another way to put your company

Writing case histories is another way to put your company’s name out in front of your target market – if the stories are written for your readers and not technical in nature. Write about how you solved a problem for a client or ways that your company is giving back to your community.

Posting blogs about unique things that your company is doing is like a warm handshake to your readers. It creates a warm feeling that makes your reading audience feel like they are better informed.

If you don’t like to write, then ask a writer to help you. Don’t miss out on a great opportunity to gain leverage by taking just a few minutes to communicate with a wider audience.